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[Seminars] The 21st International Youth Forum

페이지 정보

Writer 최고관리자 Date2010.09.16 Hit13,901 Comment0



1. Population, Family, and Youth
Speaker: Mr. Chong-Joon Lee, Principal, Planned Population Federation of Korea (PPFK)

2. Population and Sustainable Development and Linkages to SRHR”
Speaker: Ms. Mary Ann Llanza, Advocacy and Communications Officer, Asia Pacific Alliance (APA)

3. Social Development and Women’s Health
Speaker: Dr. Young Taek Kim, Research Fellow, Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI)

The 21st International Youth Forum
(Aug.18th, 2010 ~ Aug. 25th, 2010)
- The Role of Youth for Achieving the Cairo Agenda -

The National Council of Youth Organizations in Korea
234, Geumnanghwa-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul 07508, Korea
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